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Kim, Lee, Hong, and Park (2012) List-assisted RDD sampling in Korea: : testing the feasibility

등록일 2024-02-10 작성자 학과 관리자 조회 576

Kim, S. W., Lee, S, K., Hong, S. J., and Park, S. H. (2012). “List-assisted RDD sampling in Korea: testing the feasibility of national survey under within-household selection,” International Journal of Public Opinion Research, 24, 79-92, https://doi.org/10.1093/ijpor/edr022


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As the paper was published as Research Notes in the journal, an abstract was not included. Therefore, it has been kindly added here.



In Korea, because of the regulations for protecting private information, printed telephone directories were officially used as sampling frames, and it was not until the mid-2000s that electronic telephone directories were available and researchers started paying attention to random digit dialing (RDD) sampling. In contrast, since the 1990s in the USA, list-assisted RDD sampling, in which sample telephone numbers are selected within 100-banks containing one or more listed numbers, has been widely used as an alternative to the Mitofsky-Waksberg approach, as a way to achieve higher coverage of unlisted numbers.  

This paper presents evidence for the feasibility of list-assisted RDD sampling in Korea. We first compare the distributions of telephone numbers between Korea and the USA. Second, we describe the details of a list-assisted RDD design applied in Korea. Following this, we present the study results including the characteristics of the RDD sample, the demographic comparison between listed and unlisted telephone numbers, and the findings from the within-household selection. Finally, we call for further research to improve the undercoverage problem due to the recent increase in cell phone-only households.