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Park, Kim, Traugott, and Lee (2011) An enhanced approach for solving the overlap problem in dual

등록일 2024-01-30 작성자 학과 관리자 조회 183

Park, S. H., Kim, S. W., Traugott, M., and Lee, S. K. (2011). “An enhanced approach for solving the overlap problem in dual frame RDD surveys,” Paper presented at the Joint Statistical Meetings, Miami, Florida.



Dual frame RDD designs of landline and cell phone numbers to eliminate the coverage bias due to cell-only populations have been popular in many countries, but they are subject to overlap and overrepresentation problems. One of the solutions to the problem is to use a compensatory weight for unequal probabilities of selection, but weighting is often inappropriate because of a lack of information on actual phone usage. We consider a two-stage procedure, illustrated by Lepkowski and Kim (2005), different from a conventional within-household selection. First, with the assumption that both landline and cell numbers are 1) for the household, 2) shared, or 3) personal numbers, a few questions are used to identify such status from the informant for each number selected from the frame. Second, if the phone number is for the household or a shared number, one eligible person using the number is randomly chosen and asked to provide information on other phone numbers that could have been reached to the person. This approach was successfully applied to a national survey in Korea. Several person-level weighting strategies based on phone ownership data from the survey are examined.


Key words: weighting, household number, shared number, personal number


For more information about dual-frame RDD, click on the following title of the Ph.D. dissertation (Korean) by Park, S. H. (박소형, 2014) or search for it at https://riss.kr/index.do


이중표본추출틀 RDD 전화조사 표본설계 (Dual Frame RDD Sample Designs)