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Kim, Heeringa and Solenberger (2007) Sample allocation under a population model

등록일 2024-01-28 작성자 학과 관리자 조회 139

Kim, S. W., Heeringa, S. G., and Solenberger, P.W. (2007). “Sample allocation under a population model and stratified inclusion probability proportional to size sampling,” in Proceedings of the Survey Research Methods Section, American Statistical Association, 3061-3068, Salt Lake City, Utah: Joint Statistical Meetings.



Many studies have been conducted on sample allocation for stratified sampling designs. We consider optimal allocation for stratified sample designs in which there is a population regression model for the variable of interest. We present a flexible approach for optimal sample allocation to minimize the expected variance of the Horvitz-Thompson estimator under the population regression model. We show that the presence of the intercept in the model produces a comparatively complicated allocation problem. For one popular IPPS sampling scheme, we show how to determine stratum sample sizes based on optimization theory.


Key words: Superpopulation Regression Model, Stratified sampling, Sample allocation